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Eliminating fat cells with natural foods
We know that gaining or losing fat, actually means, increasing or decreasing the size of fat cells.
Thus, the number of fat cells, even after a major weight loss, remains unchanged, and in individuals who have a greater number of these cells than others, it is more likely to gain weight if a proper style of physical activity and a proper diet are not observed so that excess calories are not accumulated.
Recent studies have shown, however, that it is possible to eliminate fat cells with the help of certain substances, which result in cell apoptosis, that is, the self-elimination or “suicide” of fat cells.
Apoptosis is a normal phenomenon of cell death to maintain homeostasis. Induction of apoptosis is a reasonable way to eliminate adipocytes in obese patients. Several adipokines and natural products have been reported to play a role in the induction of adipocyte apoptosis.
In this article, we want to summarize the main types of foods and natural substances that enable apoptosis of fat cells; just introduce them into your diet, or increase your consumption of them, to achieve benefits.
- Flavonoids and anthocyanins
Flavonoids are a category of natural chemical compounds that we can find in plants and fruits. They are molecules that perform various functions in plants such as attracting pollinating insects. They are substances produced naturally by the plant that are mainly concentrated in leaves and fruits. Flavonoids give flowers, leaves and fruits very different colors: yellow, orange, red, purple and even white.
We are talking, therefore, about compounds that can be taken very easily with food and in adequate amounts simply by choosing the right foods to include in the daily diet. These are found in vegetables in cereals and legumes, fresh fruits and nuts; in addition to promoting apoptosis of fat cells, they have antioxidant, anticancer and heart disease prevention properties.
Anthocyanins, on the other hand, are found particularly in red fruits and vegetables, such as berries, pomegranate, purple beets and carrots, and black and purple beans.
- Matcha green tea
Matcha is one of the most powerful antioxidants, even many times stronger than regular green tea. It very effectively reduces the effects of free radicals that destroy the body’s cells and contribute to faster aging of the body and the development of many diseases, for example, cardiovascular diseases.
It is known for its effect on metabolism. It speeds it up, causing your body to use the food provided on a regular basis. Fat is immediately burned and converted into energy. Matcha also stimulates your body to use the fat that is on your belly, thighs, or buttocks.
Thanks to catechins, matcha tea is also recognized to be helpful in fat cell apoptosis
- Red grapes
Resveratrol is a plant molecule found in several vegetables, including grapes.
It is a polyphenol, a natural substance that belongs to the chemical class of stilbenes and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and neuroprotective actions.
Resveratrol contributes to apoptosis of fat cells, and its is effect is enhanced when combined with quercitin found in red onions and genistein found in soybeans
- Turmeric (curcuma)
In addition to being a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it also has depurative, choleretic, and cholagogue actions that are useful for the liver and gallbladder.
Turmeric is traditionally used in both Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, in particular it is used as a natural food supplement for its ability to counteract inflammatory processes within the body.
The plant has always been known for its depurative, choleretic (stimulating the production of bile by the liver) and cholagogue (promoting the emptying of the gallbladder, increasing the ‘flow of bile into the duodenum and warding off the formation of gallstones) action; it is a hepatoprotectant, biliary tract stimulant, antioxidant, and blood thinner.
Turmeric also helps promote apoptosis of fat cells.
For those who would like additional help in fat reduction, we recommend this additional insight.
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